Whenever you start any type of business, there is a lot to learn. Usually, this learning happens the hard way. You dive straight into the process and start learning by making the mistakes. The same is the case with a B2B business. These “learnings” would then become your experience which will help you in operating your business a lot better. These experience would also reflect in your communication. You’d know what are the presale questions that a visitor might have?
But the question is; how can you get this experience? One problem with experience is that you only get it when you practice something and practice could take years. Luckily, you can take help from a utility called Smart Responses provided to Alibaba.com gold suppliers.
What is Smart Responses?

Since the time computer came into scene, communication has changed a lot. There were times when email used to dominate as a communication tool. With email, we had a privilege of a reasonable reply time window. It was expected that it would take receiver some time to reply an email. Fast forward to today, everyone loves and expects instant replies. Every messaging app comes with a ‘read’ status which gives sender an expectation of quick reply.
The same is the case with B2B business communication but it is virtually impossible for a person to remain available around the clock. The good news is that Alibaba.com offers a feature called ‘Smart Responses’. With smart responses, you can automate your business replies and it even helps you gather some initial information from your client as well.
But how this feature would fast pace my learning or experience?
First of all, this feature is developed based on research. Every activity that takes place in Alibaba.com contributes to the data points which helps AI algorithm perform better than before. Same is the case with ‘Smart Responses’. The tool provides you a list of all the possible pre sale questions that a visitor might have before making a purchase like:-
- What is your MOQ?
- What are your terms for customization?
- Do you offer samples?
- What is the lead time?
How can I use this information for my business growth?
Out of many ways this tool can help you, three are the prominent wasy:-
- Landing Page Optimization
- Listing Optimization
- Power Up Your Communication
Landing Page Optimization
With the power of this tools, you can either revamp your website and provide answers to all these questions on your landing page which will definitely increase your conversion rate. A visitor explores things with a lot of questions in mind. There are some set of questions for which visitor tends to browse websites and research on internet. When those questions get answered then customer would contact you directly to get further clarification on purchase process.
Listing Optimization
So It would now be evident that ‘Smart Responses’ help you in optimizing your landing pages. It would not be hard for you to guess that It can also help you optimize your listings. As you might know that part of Alibaba.com’ ranking algorithm is that it ensures that you make the purchasing process easy for the customer and when you’ll answer those presale questions in better way, you’ll help the customer in making the purchase. This will boost your conversion rate and it will ultimately boost your rankings
Power Up Your Communication
Another helpful usage of this tool is that you can incorporate answers to all these questions in you very first reply to visitor’s inquiry. You’ll witness a great improvement in your response rate. This learning will not only help you in written communication but every other type of communication as well. You’ll get to know your product a lot better and you’ll also realize your USP (Unique Selling Point).
Now that you’ve learned how Alibaba.com’s smart response can help, go use that tool.